Wye Valley Chamber Music’s Summer Residency (www.wyevalleyfestival.com) returns from 22 - 28th July with three concerts - St Briavels Church, on Wednesday, 24 July @ 7pm, an Open Day at Treowen Manor, Wonastow, Nr Monmouth on Saturday, 27 July 1130-1730 and Hellens Manor, Much Marcle, on Sunday 28 July at 3pm.  

 The Residency is a joyful celebration of chamber music where talented young musicians perform with seasoned artists and tutors. During the residency, the young musicians rehearse with and have masterclasses from their tutors, before performing with them in three concerts across the lower Wye Valley.  

 This year, four young ensembles are taking part. The Petrichor Piano Trio and the Sones Duo join the residency from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, the Juna String Quartet and the Rautavaara Duo come from the Royal Northern College of Music. The course tutors are Daniel Tong (Artistic Director, piano), Matthew Truscott (violin), Krysia Osostowicz (violin) and Marie Bitlloch (cello).  

 Concert audiences can look forward to hearing some great chamber music by Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn and Dvořák The concert at St. Briavels on Wednesday 24 July includes Beethoven’s Sonata for Violin and Piano in G, Op.96, Dvořák’s Piano Trio No 4 in E minor, Op.90 ‘Dumky’, and Mendelssohn’s String Quartet in E flat, Op.12. On Sunday 28 July at 3pm in Hellen’s Manor the programme includes Beethoven’s Piano Trio in E flat, Op.1 No.1; Schubert String Quintet in C, D956 (Mov 1&2), and Chausson’s Piano Trio in G minor, Op.3. Tickets for these concerts are £20 each (£5 for students).  

 On Saturday 27July, at Grade1 listed Treowen Manor, masterclasses in the morning will be followed by a delicious lunch and an afternoon concert including Faure’s Piano Quartet in G minor, Op45 (Mov 1 & 2) and Dvořák’s Bagatelles, Op.47 performed by the young ensembles and the course tutors. Open Day tickets are £55, or £20 students, including lunch and refreshments. 

 The Residency is generously supported by Spoff’s Scholarship Fund, Fidelio Charitable Trust and Friends of the Wye Valley Chamber Music Festival