TRIBUTE acts have never been more popular and one local band are shining a bright spotlight on the music of ELO.
Electrik Live Orchestra frontman Jason Ball lives in Abergavenny and will be performing with the band at the town’s Borough Theatre on Friday and Saturday, November 29-30.
“As a tribute band we’ve got to be bang on the money when it comes to replicating ELO’s studio sound because that’s want fans want to hear,” says Jason.
“Diehard ELO fans won’t pull any punches if you give a lacklustre performance, because their attitude is ‘come on then, impress us.’ And it’s our job to do just that.”

Jason admits that growing up he wasn’t an ELO fan, and hadn’t even heard Mr Blue Sky until hearing it in a panto 20 years ago.
As an accomplished guitarist, he then landed himself a gig as lead guitarist in an ELO tribute band, and found a newfound respect for the intricate and catchy arrangements of Jeff Lynne and his gang, before forming his own tribute some four years ago.
The band includes “a very lively string section” to catch the authentic ELO sound, with no less than seven members on stage at any one time, recreating the magic of songs like Don’t Bring Me Down, Evil Woman, Livin’ Thing. Telephone Line and Sweet Talkin’ Woman.
Tickets are £28. Call 01873 850805 or visit the Borough website for more info.