ONE of the most exciting – and bloodiest – days in the history of Monmouth is the subject of an upcoming lecture to the town’s history society at the Priory

The speaker at the Friday, October 18 event, is Dr Rob Jones, who has made a special study of Monmouth in the Middle Ages.

He helped to stage last summer’s Medieval Festival on Vauxhall Fields – and it is thought to have been on Vauxhall beside the River Monnow that the Battle of Monmouth was fought on November 25, 1233, when rebel leader Richard the Earl Marshal lured the more numerous mercenaries who garrisoned the castle out to do battle.

The odds were stacked heavily against Richard, as Dr Jones will describe using a contemporary chronicle and other sources to reveal what happened when the Earl refused to flee, saying he had never yet turned his back on an enemy. 

Guests are welcome to attend Friday’s lecture, which starts at 7pm (£5 charge).

Membership of the society is £10 for the season of winter lectures and summer outings and the summer party (details of the programme and how to join can be found on the For more information ring 01600 715076.

On November 15, the author Marsha O’Mahony will give the Keith Kissack Lecture. Her subject will be “This Stolen Land – the Gwent Levels”.