Monmouth’s first Pride event took place last weekend on Chippenham with performances from Monmouth Choir and a local favourite, Feet Pics.

Catherine Fookes MP, County Councillors Mary Anne Brocklesby and Steve Garratt, Monmouth Town Councillors Rob Barrel, Emily Fairman and Fiona Wilcox joined Monmouth Mayor David Evans on the Monnow Bridge at the start of the day which started with a 120 strong procession from the bridge to Chippenham fields where a variety of stalls and a music marquee waited to greet the marchers.

MP and Mayor support event

It was hosted by Juice Naz Naz who guided the throng through communal arts and crafts. The Bean Pig Puppets entertained the crowd with their random queer puppet show, co-created by ex-Monmouth Comp pupil, Pax.

Preparations started several months ago with banner making workshops at the Bridges Centre and The Attik with their colourful output being at the head of the procession just behind Forest Thump who brought noise, compassion and solidarity to the march.

Mayor of Monmouth with Aimee Blease-Bourne

Organiser Aimee Blease-Bourne said ‘This was a community event and many young people attended. It was the first pride in Monmouth and very much needed. We are grateful for the support of local businesses and Monmouth Town Council. Personally, I found it a real privilege to organise. I know all too well how it feels to grow up in a rural village and not see examples of yourself about and how lonely and isolating that can be. Monmouth Pride was an event of inclusion and a celebration of diversity and difference; and this is so important to celebrate.”

The Pride event on Chippenham

Catherine Fookes MP said ‘It was terrific to attend Monmouth’s first Pride and chat with the organiser Aimee. A big diolch to Monmouth Town Council and Welsh Government for funding a fantastic event.’

Loving the moment

Monmouth Mayor Cllr David Evans said ‘I am very pleased to support members of the LGBTQIA+ community as they hold the first ever Monmouth Pride. From the many positive comments made throughout the day, I am sure that this has been the first of many and next year’s will be bigger and even better.”

Parading from the bridge to the park