THE first concert of Wye Valley Music’s 2024/25 Season welcomes back two highly acclaimed musicians.

Violinist Fenella Humphreys

Fenella Humphreys is one of the UK’s most versatile violinists, while Italian pianist Emma Abbate is a renowned accompanist and chamber musician.

Fenella’s solo work sees her fronting orchestras like the Royal Philharmonic, the Royal Scottish National and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, while her recording has made her a dual BBC Music Magazine award-winner.

Concertmaster of the Deutsche Kammerakademie, she is also in demand to perform new scores, notably by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies and Sally Beamish, and in 2023, she premiered a concerto dedicated to her by Adrian Sutton at Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Emma Abbate is a professor at Guildhall School of Music & Drama and coach at the Royal Opera House, regularly performs at Wigmore Hall, the Southbank Centre and the ROH and broadcasts on BBC Radio 3.

The concert is at St Mary’s Church, St Briavels, on Sunday, September 15, at 3pm, and features:

Johannes Brahms – Scherzo in C minor from F.A.E. Sonata;

Rebecca Clarke – Midsummer Moon;

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Sonata in B flat major for violin and piano, K. 454;

Andante op. 75 & Berceuse op. 16;

Arvo Pärt – Fratres;

Fanny Mendelssohn – Adagio for violin and piano H.72;

Bela Bartók – Romanian Folk Dances.

Tickets – £18 (£15 members/ £5 students 25 and under) – from