Bees for Development invites you to join them on Thursday 15 August, 7pm, at The Shire Hall, as they present their new Bees of Monmouthshire Recording Project.

There are over 140 species of solitary bees in Monmouthshire alone and despite occurring all around us in our parks, gardens, hedges and fields, most people are completely unaware of their existence. They are some of our most important pollinators and lead extremely interesting and varied lives.

This talk will explore the world of bees, from what makes them unique to the lives of the different species we have here in Monmouthshire. Understanding our local populations through recording is vitally important to conserve them and we are excited to help you to get involved!

The event will take place in the Shire Hall in Monmouth and consist of a half hour talk given by the Project Officer, Ciaran Clark, followed by questions and discussion. Please arrive at 6.45pm for the talk to start at 7pm.

There will also be an opportunity to learn more about Bees for Development and the work the charity does both here in the UK and across the world.

The group have their world headquarters in Agincourt Street in Monmouth and hold an annual Bee Festival in the town.