Autumn arrives, and so do the floods in Monmouth (Beacon, 26th September).

Not only the Rockfield Estate, but also the Rockfield road. Watery Lane was impassable, and Wonastow road had deep water all around the Kings Fee area.

This pattern of rainfall is exactly how the Met Office and the Enviromental Agency predict weather conditions to occur in the future.

Witness the increasing frequency of inordinately heavy rain, and subsequent floods, throughout the country. Then look at the world picture.

Then ask yourselves why everyone's home insurance premiums are rocketing if you are anywhere near the smallest watercourse. Maybe the insurance companies see something that our councillors do not.

My point is this: Everyone is aware of Monmouthshire County Council's (MCC) plans for acres and acres of new housing around the Overmonnow area.

The go-ahead for the adoption of the local development plan (LDP) depends upon the voting of the ruling Conservative council, and in Monmouth that is Councillor Liz Hacket Pain, Wyesham, and Councillor Ruth Edwards from Rockfield, chair of the planning committee.

The choice of the siting of these houses is Wonastow Road, which is the one definite area in town that the new pumping station could not protect; reference MCC; Wonastow Brook Alleviation Scheme, Engineering Feasibility Report, Atkins, 2003.

I ask these two councillors to explain their thinking regarding the LDP, and the choice of Wonastow as their preferred option.

I am sure that many residents of the Overmonnow area, and the Rockfield Estate, would be keen to hear some reassuring words.

Michael Jones
