Bridges held their annual volunteering Awards recognising those individuals who have committed themselves to support in the community.

The volunteers themselves range from age of 14 with a few volunteers in their nineties still keen to be an active member of the community.

There are volunteers with learning difficulties, physical disabilities and mental health difficulties, and Marianne Piper the Volunteer Coordinator with the Volunteering for Well-being Project said that it's wonderful to see many volunteers blossom to their roles “gaining the confidence to undertake further voluntary work or move on to paid work or further education.”

The Charity Shop Volunteer of the Year award presented by Anne Rosser co-chair of Bridges trustees, went to Deborah Matthews.

The Monnow Vale Volunteer of the Year went to Karen Smart. The Environmental Volunteer of the Year, presented by Deputy Mayor Jackie Atkin, in her first role of deputy went to the Benthyg team in Monmouth.

Terry Ing and Louise Martin of the Benthyg team in Monmouth with Deputy Mayor Jackie Atkin
Terry Ing and Louise Martin of the Benthyg team in Monmouth (Des Pugh)

For the Car Scheme Volunteer of the Year, there were two joint winners: Gareth Hopkins and Maureen Mitchell.

For the Car Scheme Volunteer of the Year, there were two joint winners: Gareth Hopkins and Maureen Mitchell
For the Car Scheme Volunteer of the Year, there were two joint winners: Gareth Hopkins and Maureen Mitchell (Des Pugh)

The Special Recognition Award presented by Andrew Burford, went to Bill Whittaker and Meghan Rennoldson.

The Special Recognition Award presented by Andrew Burford, went to Bill Whittaker (not pictured) and Meghan Rennoldson.
The Special Recognition Award presented by Andrew Burford, went to Bill Whittaker (not pictured) and Meghan Rennoldson (Des Pugh)

The Inclusion Project Volunteer of the Year, presented by Michael Logan the Wellbeing Director of the Bridges centre went to Alex Phillips.

The Inclusion Project Volunteer of the Year, presented by Michael Logan went to Alex Phillips
The Inclusion Project Volunteer of the Year, presented by Michael Logan went to Alex Phillips (Des Pugh)

Outstanding Contribution Award, presented by Joe Facchiano, Monmouth Community Support Officer, went to the Bridges afternoon teas and lunches ladies.

Awards to the Bridges' ladies who provide lunches and afternoon teas
Outstanding Contribution Award, presented by Joe Facchiano, Monmouth Community Support Officer, went to the Bridges afternoon teas and lunches ladies. (Des Pugh)

The Befriending Volunteer of the Year presented by Mayor of Monmouth, Cllr David Evans went to Fiona Harling and the People's Choice Award, presented by Jane Rogers the Chief Officer for Social Care and Health went to Helen Levy.

People's Choice Award, presented by Jane Rogers the Chief Officer for Social Care and Health went to Helen Levy
(Des Pugh)
The Befriending Volunteer of the Year presented by Mayor of Monmouth, Cllr David Evans went to Fiona Harling
The Befriending Volunteer of the Year presented by Mayor of Monmouth, Cllr David Evans went to Fiona Harling (Des Pugh)