A father and son team are cycling from Lands End to John O’ Groats for a UK leading charity that focuses on the wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

Sion and Ben Gibby from St Maughans, are both looking forward to the ‘father and son’ experience on this 600-mile journey for the charity YoungMinds and are funding the trip themselves, riding unsupported with fully laden panniers - so 100 per cent of all sponsorship raised will go to the YoungMinds charity.

YoungMinds is the UK's leading charity championing the mental health of young people and creates change so that children and young people can cope with life's adversities, find help when needed and succeed in life.

Sion said that the two-week period which starts today,  8th July, will beThe trip will be a great father and son experience - “and I know for a fact that Ben can’t wait to listen to my life advice, general wisdom and dad jokes for hours on end , each and every day” he joked.

“It’ll be we hope a fantastic experience - and knowing that we can raise much needed sponsorship for this great cause will make the hills of Cornwall and the inevitable blisters by Scotland a little more bearable !

“Any amount of sponsorship extremely welcome and appreciated,” he added.

You can sponsor them here

Sponsor the pair here
(Sion Gibby)