Church services

Sunday 4th August (Trinity 10), 11.00 St James’s church, Wyesham – Sunday Praise.

Sunday 11th August (Trinity 11), 11.00 St James’s church, Wyesham – Sunday Praise.

Monmouth Methodist Church, St James St: Morning Worship with Revd Anne Ellis at 10.30am followed by fellowship time over tea and coffee in the Church Hall. Sunday 18th August (Trinity 12), 11.00 St James’s church, Wyesham – Holy Communion.

 Sunday 25th August (Trinity 13); 11.00 St Peter’s church, Dixton – Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer); 11.00 St James’s church, Wyesham – Holy Communion.

Monmouth Walking Club

Sunday August 11th. An 8 mile walk. From Garway Common we descend to Lower Garway Farm, then climb to Garway Hill ( 364m) Magnificent views (weather permitting)and an optional visit to the tree with the looped trunk. A slow descent through Garway Hill Farm and Tennersfield. Optional visit to Garway St Michael’s Church, then we return to the walk start. Long ascent up Garway Hill 0f 314m. 8 stiles. New members are always welcome to join Monmouth Rambling and Hillwalking Club. There is a small annual membership subscription. A reminder that walkers are responsible for their own safety and take part in walks at their own risk. Suitable footwear and clothing are essential. Please bring a drink and packed lunch. For members safety and enjoyment on walks, the club has a set of coronavirus notes that are available on request. For further information please telephone 07976918978 or 01600 716255

Monmouth Bridge Club

Monday July 29 1 Tony Harris and Pauline Sanders 2 Julie and David Davies 3 Rosemary Whaley and Brigid Hamilton-Jones.

Wednesday July 31 No fear bridge North/South 1 Glenys Biggs and Gillian Rose 2 Terry Hill and Lee Blanning 3 Neil Sansom and Sally Jones. East/West 1 Julie Davies and Jon Dullforce 2 Sue and Jeff Goodlass 3 Peter and Clare Woodfisher.

Thursday Aug 1 1 Terry Hill and Richard Miles 2 Julie and David Davies 3 Neil Sansom and Mike Roberts.

July rainfall

July rainfall recorded at Cornwall House was 52.5 mm, very slightly above the average for the month of 50.9 mm. The wettest day was the 8th with 22.5 mm of rain.

Cat’s Back and Black Hill walk

The Lower Wye Ramblers invite you to join them on Sunday 11 August for an 8-mile moderate walk that offers spectacular views. Starting at 10 am from Black Hill car park (Grid reference: SO 28844 32856; Nearest postcode: HR2 0NL; what3words: pushover.forgiving.rinse), the walk begins with a slow climb onto the Cat’s Back, a narrow ridge, and continues on to Black Hill before descending back down and returning along the valley to the start point.

Please bring drinks, snacks and a packed lunch with you and wear suitable clothing and footwear for the walk (as it involves negotiating a ridge and rocky paths). For further information and contact details for the walk leader, go the group’s website (; it is always advisable to look on the website on the morning of a walk to check for any last-minute changes [e.g. cancellation due to weather, illness, etc.]).

Monmouth Floral Society

Do you like flowers? Join the ladies of the Monmouth Floral Society at Bridges Community Centre (pictured) who meet monthly for an afternoon of floral excellence provided by nationally acclaimed flower arrangers and demonstrators.

On August 14, they are having a members’ competition show and strawberry tea with a flower demonstration by Andrew Lloyd NAFAS demonstrator on the theme of ‘September song’.

Contact the chair, Tineke Davies on 01291 650686 or look at their facebook page ‘Monmouth Floral Society’