As a frequent visitor to Monmouth over many years I would like to express my support to those trying to fundraise for restoration of Dixton Church roof. I wonder if others were like me and under the misconception that repairs have been undertaken.
As I understand it, the roof has three sections, one recently being partially repaired but the cheaper timbers used resulted in modern tiled slates replacing the originals as these were considered too heavy to be supported by these replacement timbers.
Then there is a small porch area, until recently having daylight evident where the tiles were displaced. I understand a ‘good Samaritan’ local person has created an albeit temporary repair to stop the rain entering and rotting timbers further.
Then there is the main church roof, nothing has been done to this. It is this that an appeal has been created to raise funds for. Apparently the Church of England relevant body has no obligation to fund these as Monmouth is in Wales.
This church is extremely old. It is very beautiful. It is in a very poor state of repair, near derelict in places. And obviously once it becomes unsafe it will be closed. For ever. That is, unless funding is achieved. And responses have been less than hoped for –from both local businesses and
The removed slates from the repaired section are decaying because they are lying on the ground subjected to different erosional elements to those experienced when on the roof.
I understand the idea of setting up a short acting working party to remove these slates and stack, cover and protect them fell on deaf ears. I wonder that groups like scouts/guides/youth workers did not respond.
So sad, a huge part of your heritage is being destroyed. I personally would be happy to be involved within a working party, I don’t live there but do visit regularly and therefore am not in a position to create the response but am more than happy to participate – surely there must be someone with experience of fund raising out there? Yes I don’t doubt it is an enormous task, but with an ‘army of helpers’ this should surely be possible? And who knows ,maybe once funding is substantial those ‘controlling the church budget’ might be ‘shamed’ into meeting the funds halfway?
Is there any motivational person out there with the knowledge to spearhead and lead on this?
Let the Beacon know if so, and they can let me know so I can support you!
Mrs P Long (Cheddar, Somerset)