A CHARITY from Monmouthshire has reached the finals of the St David Awards.

21 Plus is a Down’s syndrome support charity and was founded in 2007 by Katharina Barker from Monmouth, Victoria Hughes from Raglan and Nicky Williams from Abergavenny. The three mothers each have children with Down’s syndrome, and the group aims to provide help and support to carers, parents and children with Down’s syndrome.

The charity organises social events and workshops for carers, parents and children, including a weekly speech therapy workshop. The charity also organise an intensive speech therapy and sport summer camp, which encourages exercise and involves work with expert language therapists.

21 Plus were one of three finalists in the Citizenship category of the St David Awards announced last week (16th February) by Welsh Government First Minister Carwyn Jones.

Co-founder of the charity Katharina Barker said: “We’re really, really honoured to get acknowledgement of the work we’re doing. It’s very special as we were nominated by a member of the group so it’s nice to see how the work is appreciated.

“All finalists were presented with a pin by Carwyn Jones on 16th February, and the awards evening will be at the end of March.

“2017 looks very busy for us again, we’ve already done one workshop.

“We also run a conference early in Autumn aimed at teachers. There are social and family activities throughout the year, for example we went to Lego Land last year. .”

First Minister Carwyn Jones said: “The St David Awards, now in their fourth year, are all about celebrating people who have gone the extra mile to make a difference to someone else’s life, overcome adversity or achieved something truly inspirational.

“Once again, the St David Awards finalists are an exceptional group of people. Every single one is a credit to Wales - it is going to be tough to choose the winners.”

The St David Awards ceremony, when winners will be announced, will take place at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay on Thursday 23rd March.