IN a break with their recent productions, the latest show by Chepstow-based ChAOS was not a musical or panto.

After licensing issues stymied the planned show, the society found a last-minute alternative with Murder Afoot, a classic country house murder comedy-mystery by Norwegian plywright Knut Naerum.

The Drill Hall was transformed into The Arches, the mansion of shoe millionaire Titus Platt, which was furnished in period 1930s style with the help of the Monmouthshire Upcycling furnishing charity.

The show was the first foray into directing for Lou Reynolds who thanked society members and her assistant, Amanda Osmond, for the “constant belief”.

The fast-moving comedy has plenty of twists, turns, false identities and characters with murky motives.

When gentleman thief The Black Fox threatens to steal the golden dagger owned by Titus (Dylan Michal),Inspector Bullock (Jake Brice) is called in.

Harriet Dodwell-Morrison as Penny Platt and Edward  Preece as Thomas Tottering.
Harriet Dodwell-Morrison as Penny Platt and Edward Preece as Thomas Tottering. (© Forest Review)

But soon Titus is dead and another man claiming to be Bullock turns up.

There was also what could be described as an unexpected laugh as the audience reacted to Titus's ne'er do well son Malcolm – James Wallace in his first show – asking fiancee Collette Lamarr (Hazel Guppy) if she is sure she is expecting a child – although Hazel is eight months pregnant.

The show also featured Marianne Bowen, Edward Preece, Natalie Bowen, Phillippa Hickey, Harriett Dodwell-Morrison in her ChAOS debut and Amanda Osmond.

Chair Amanda Osmond said: “Chaos have had a mountain to climb over recent months.

Malcolm (James Wallace) doesn't share Collette's (Hazel Guppy) vision of the future.
Malcolm (James Wallace) doesn’t seen keen about the future being outlined by Collette (Hazel Guppy). (© Forest Review)

“I am really proud of my team on the committee and the society members, including their families, for sticking together and tackling our Everest head on.

“We have endured to bring you a comedy whodunnit from our adult cast members and the full cast will return for our next pantomime, Dick Whittington.”

The panto will be written by Marianne Bowen and staged at the end of January next year.

Hedda Noble (Natalie Bowen) and Titus Platt (Dylan Michal) are shocked they may get a visit from a thief..
Hedda Noble (Natalie Bowen) and Titus Platt (Dylan Michal) are shocked they may get a visit from a thief.. (© Forest Review)
Livia (Marianne Bowen), Thomas (Edward Preece) and Penny (Harriet Dodwell Morrison read the note from the Black Fox.
Livia (Marianne Bowen), Thomas (Edward Preece) and Penny (Harriet Dodwell Morrison read the note from the Black Fox. (© Forest Review)
Drake (Amanda Osmond) turned uo with suspicious timing,
Drake (Amanda Osmond) turned uo with suspicious timing, (© Forest Review)
The body of Titus is discovered.
The body of Titus is discovered. (© Forest Review)
A song from Collette (Hazel Guppy).
A song from Collette (Hazel Guppy). (© Forest Review)
A second Inspector Bullock (Dylan Michal) calls.
A second Inspector Bullock (Dylan Michal) calls. (© Forest Review)