FOUR candidates are set to fight it out next Thursday (October 24) when Monmouth voters go to the polls to fill the county council's Town ward seat formerly held by MP Catherine Fookes.

The Labour MP resigned from Monmouthshire County Council in September following her election to Parliament at July’s general election.

She had represented the Monmouth Town ward since winning the newly created seat at the 2022 local government elections when Labour became the largest party at County Hall, and ousted the Conservative administration, but fell short of a majority finishing with 22 councillors.

Labour has since agreed a coalition with the single Green Party councillor to help it run the 46 member council, but will face a Green Party challenger in the by-election in the form of Paul Rollings.

Regardless of the result Labour will remain the largest group on the county council while victory for the Conservatives would take its number up to 19.

In the lead up to the election The Monmouthshire Beacon offered all candidates a chance to lay out their policies and plans for the future if elected.

Jackie Atkin - Welsh Labour

Jackie Atkin
Jackie Atkin (Supplied)

Jackie Atkin is standing as the Welsh Labour candidate for Monmouth Town ward in the Monmouthshire County Council by-election on Thursday, October 24. The by-election is taking place because recently elected Labour MP for Monmouthshire, Catherine Fookes, has stood down as Monmouth Town’s County Councillor to focus fully on representing constituents across Monmouthshire.

Jackie lives in the ward, is an active town council member and is currently Monmouth’s Deputy Mayor. She was instrumental in bringing events such as the Medieval Festival to Monmouth, which attracted over 2,000 people to the town this summer.

If elected, Jackie pledges to:

Work with Gwent Police on law and order and make stopping shoplifters a priority.

Support households and businesses through planning applications – and put a stop to unsuitable developments.

Work with pensioners and others struggling with the cost of living, making sure everyone gets the benefits they’re entitled to.

Strengthen and grow a year-round calendar of events to make Monmouth a destination town.

Work with residents to campaign for targeting 20mph at the roads which need it most.

Always work with colleagues from across the party divide to deliver the best result for Monmouth.

Jackie said: "I’ve advocated for our ward on Monmouth Town Council, supporting businesses and residents, and bringing events to the town. I want to continue this work, promoting Monmouth town’s needs to the county council, working cross-party to deliver for residents and putting a spotlight on what our fabulous town has to offer.”

Catherine Fookes, MP for Monmouthshire, said: “In Jackie Atkin, you have a community champion, a fierce advocate for the Town, and a local candidate who really understands the needs of the community. I know that with Jackie, the ward would be in safe hands.”

Martin Newell - Welsh Conservatives

Martin Newell
Martin Newell (Supplied)

On October 24, residents will have the opportunity to elect a new for county councillor for our Town Ward. I'm Monmouth born and bred. I'm a Kings Fee boy and I've lived and worked in and around Monmouth my entire life. That's key. It has been such a pleasure to represent you as your Town councillor on Monmouth Town Council since you elected me in June. Since then, I've been listening and working with residents across the ward, the town council and other partners to get things done.

I've never been involved in politics before, but I just felt compelled to stand because I was appalled at the way our town is being neglected. Excessive business rates are killing small businesses, while a lack of free parking is discouraging shoppers. Monnow Street looks a mess, made worse by weeds all over the place, including in the planters. What message does that send?

Over the decades, I have had the privilege of witnessing the strengths and successes of Monmouth but also its challenges. From the need for stronger local services, and to balance housing development.

It is with these issues in mind that I am standing for election as your county councillor because I believe Town ward deserves strong, compassionate, and visionary leadership. I am committed to build working and collaborative relationships with local leaders, the business community, and voluntary organisations, as well as residents to build a future that benefits everyone. It's time for a fresh approach that combines experience, energy, and a genuine dedication to the people of this community. Carrying on the same way as previously isn't good enough.

Regardless of which party you usually support, I hope you will consider lending me your vote on October 24 so we can make Town ward and Monmouth a place we can all continue to be proud of.

Paul Rollings - The Green Party

Paul Rollings
Paul Rollings (Supplied)

Last Saturday, while canvassing, I bumped into Jackie, the Labour candidate and Martin from the Conservatives. Chatting together, the three of us competing for the same role, I couldn’t help but smile. It highlighted that local politics thrives on open discussion and mutual respect, even when viewpoints differ. This kind of engagement makes local elections special, and it’s one of the reasons why I’m proud to be the Green Party candidate for the Town Ward.

While Jackie, Martin, and I all share a love for Monmouth, I bring a fresh perspective. I’m new to politics and unbound by Labour or Conservative party lines. I don’t follow a national script; instead, I’m free to speak up independently for Monmouth, focusing on what’s best for the town, its residents, and the environment.

After a thirty-year corporate career as a data scientist, in 2021, I followed my passion for nature, returning to university to earn a degree in Wildlife Conservation. Now, I run a local plant nursery in Monmouthshire with my wife. I’m eager to use my experience to tackle issues like reducing river pollution, improving services, and building resilience in Monmouth. Our community’s natural beauty, particularly the Rivers Wye and Monnow, are a crucial part of what makes this area special, but these rivers also pose flooding risks. We must address these environmental challenges while preparing for future ones, including supporting local businesses and ensuring reliable services. As your councillor, I’ll work hard to make Monmouth more resilient and ready to adapt to a changing world.

A Green vote in this by-election strengthens the independent voice on Monmouthshire County Council, where our Green councillor is making a real difference. Voting Green is a thoughtful, non-risk choice supporting positive change in Monmouth. By electing me, you’ll add even more momentum towards a fairer, greener Monmouthshire.

The Liberal Democrats have selected former Chepstow county councillor Jez Becker who was approached to supply a profile for this article