AN ABERGAVENNY wellbeing expert has realised a long-held ambition by releasing her first book.

Robyn Harris was inspired to write ‘Take a Walk on the W·I·L·D® Side’ sharing her own personal experiences and unique perspective of wellbeing, in a mission to help guide others on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.

Robyn, who describes herself as a Transformational Wellbeing Alchemist, founded ‘W·I·L·D Wellbeing’ eleven years ago and offers bespoke coaching, energy-based techniques and workshops.

In her book, the Llanellen-based practitioner with more than a decade of experience in the field, shares her deeply personal account of growing up in Northern Ireland during political conflict, health challenges as a teenager that included a chronic illness diagnosis, losing a parent and coping with stress, anxiety and burnout.

“In my mid-teens I had glandular fever and pushed myself to go back to school before I was ready,” explained Robyn.

“This developed into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I was then diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E) which left me in a wheelchair and then in bed, with no energy or interest in life.”

“It wasn’t until much later that I really understood why I’d become so ill and was able to turn that around.”

In her thirties, Robyn found herself in a ’really low and dark place.’

She tried the traditional route of going to the GP but found that medication and counselling didn’t work for her.

“I had a catalogue of conditions. I wasn’t getting the help I needed and turned to complimentary therapy. It gave me the tools I needed to take back control of my life.”

Robyn’s desire to help others, who have been through similar experiences, led her to create the acronym ‘W·I·L·D’ (Wonder-full, Intuitive, Loving, Dance of life) for all the things Mother Nature has taught her about healing and wellbeing.

“The W·I·L·D approach is more of a way of looking at life and guides you towards feeling more comfortable within your own skin and becoming the person you were born to be.”

“The society we live in right now is full of isolation and mental wellbeing challenges and stress.”

“This book is for anyone who may have a chronic health condition such as long Covid, Fibromyalgia or unexplained symptoms. They may have been they have to manage these themselves but want to take back control of their life and get back to better energy and more vitality.”

Robyn, who is also a speaker and British Sign Language user, said W·I·L·D equips readers with a set of tools, information and resources, taking them on a ‘fascinating exploration of who we are as human beings.’

“I want to help people learn how to take back the reins of their life and create the life they long for.”

“It isn’t a set of steps because I don’t believe in a one-size fits all approach.”

“It teaches fun, easy-to-follow exercises that will help reframe some of our most damaging beliefs. Using the W·I·L·D approach, these will transform into positive and supportive messages.”

“I would urge anyone who is ready for change to put one foot firmly in front of the other and let’s ‘Take a Walk on the W·I·L·D Side’ together.”

Take a Walk on the W·I·L·D Side by Robyn Harris is published by Begin-A-Book Independent Publishers and is available in paperback on Amazon for £15.99.

Robyn will be hosting a book launch event in Abergavenny Library at 10.30am on Saturday August 17 where she will read extracts, talk about, and discuss her healing journey, as well as sign books. To book your free place or buy the book visit