The ‘Art on Wednesdays Class’ at Monmouth’s Bridges were very excited in the Autumn when a number of their works were accepted for consideration for a forthcoming exhibition.

The exhibition, ‘Penlee Inspired’, opened at the Penlee House Gallery and Museum in Penzance and six pictures were selected from the 15 Monmouth submissions for the show.

The exhibition features works in a range of media by artists from all sorts of backgrounds; professionals, amateurs, beginners, school children to retirees, all inspired by works in the gallery.

Last September, the class took the image of a Girl Shelling peas by Albert Chevalier Taylor and set about painting in the style of a Victorian watercolourist.

Despite finding it a challenge, the class enjoyed the exercise and never thought that the results would be exhibited.

Classes are run at Bridges Community Centre by Frances Green on Wednesday mornings and afternoons, and aim to explore a range of media and topics.

Since moving to Bridges in 2021 class sizes have expanded considerably.

The exhibition at Penzance’s Penlee Gallery runs until Saturday, April 22.