ANIMATRONIC dinosaurs, ‘hatching’ eggs, bones and real fossils proved a big hit with youngsters at this year’s Caerwent Show - in fact the verdict of one little girl was ‘the best thing ever’.

The show raised well over £3,000 for Caerwent Village Hall and Playing Fields with the money earmarked for improving the changing facilities for Caerwent Junior Football Club and providing new seating in the Hall.

Despite a few ‘mini-showers’ the family-friendly event was rated another big success, offering something for everyone.

The village hall, recently extended thanks to grant funding, was transformed into a vintage tearoom by the Friends of Caerwent while dads and supporters involved with the junior football team ran the barbecue outside.

There was live music, dancing and Taekwando demonstrations all day, competitions for crafts, flowers, fruit and vegetables, face painting, a bouncy castle, a prize raffle and a wide range of stalls.

The show was compered by local resident, actor and broadcaster, Terry Victor.

The highlight this year, however, was provided by Dino4Hire, with one of their dinosaurs even having a go at football - and dinosaur eggs ‘hatching’ at intervals throughout the day!

“It’s a show run by the local community for the local community and, for a village the size of Caerwent, it really punches above its weight,” said committee member Liz Gardiner.

The show has been running in its present form for more than 40 years but for decades before that was a traditional event where local people exhibited their produce.

“A tremendous amount of hard work goes into the organisation every year, with our committee chair Chloe Harris very much the driving force,” Liz added.