November marks the time when we begin to look back and remember. We remember wars that have been fought and we remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. It is also a time to look back and remember those who have had such an impact upon our lives but no longer walk this earth with us. In the church we celebrate this time as All Souls and All Saints days.

This year we will gather on Sunday 3rd November at 6pm at St Mary's Priory Church in Monmouth to remember those who have died recently and to remember those whose passing was some time ago but whom we can never forget. As you arrive at St Mary's Priory Church, the names of those to be remembered will be written in a book and read out during the service and candles lit to remember, all of this whilst the choir of St Mary's leads us in a lovely service of Choral Evensong.

Please come along, you are most welcome. Join us also for the Civic Remembrance Service which follows on from the ceremony at the war memorial 11.30am St Mary's Priory Church, Sunday 10th November.