St Nicholas Church community space in Trellech has just been awarded £19,485 to develop a new community kitchen, replace the sound system to a more efficient model that will connect up to a display screen and replace the tables in the rear of the church. 

St Nicholas Church's community space
(Ceri Jones)

The church has a strong rural community following, every fortnight it hosts 'Trellech Teas' providing a safe space for the community to meet and socialise.

The volunteers, headed by Jayne Akitt, regularly create functions for all to enjoy, to help raise the funds to maintain the beautiful church.  

The National Lottery Community Fund Wales were kind enough to grant the funds to make these events more inclusive, with modern facilities that will enhance the events and make the volunteers lives much easier.  

Ceri Jones, a governor at Trellech School who helps community groups with funding for free, said that they “are very excited to start the project and would hope to have anything complete for a festive Christmas season”.